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Work Home Life Balance: The 4 Easy Steps To Success

   Is it possible to have a work home life that is in balance?

Yes, it is possible. The balance is, however, different for everyone depending upon things such as where you are in your career, whether you have your own business or work for someone else and what stage of life you are at. Everyone has a unique way of being in balance depending upon their life and their priorities. Being in balance really means having the time for the things that matter to you and feeling happy that you are living life according to your values. Everyone will have a unique point of balance depending upon their life and their priorities. There is no magical 'point' of balance so much as there is a feeling of being in balance that differs for everyone.

What about those people who say it's not possible?
I have read a number of articles which state that work home life balance is a load of rubbish and is not possible. This seems rather defeatist. Having balance between your work and home life may require some changes, but it is always possible. For example, when our daughter was a baby, my husband and I chose to have staggered working hours so that we would not have to put her in care. We were often tired, but we had the right balance for us as it was important to us that we raise our children ourselves. Our choice (and the tiredness we endured for a few years) meant we both still managed to have careers while being able to share beautiful quality time with our daughter. Our struggle at that point was time to share with each other; and with a little bit of effort that too was possible.

Does having work home life balance mean you have to change your job?

A number of people focus upon work home life balance as being a choice between working full time and part time. For some people, part time work will be the only way they can feel at balance with their work and home lives. Employers have become increasingly flexible with part time work options, so this choice doesn't often present difficulties.

People who change to part time work (or take several years off work for family commitments) often feel that they can never 'catch up' in terms of their careers. If this is a real concern for you:
    There are ways you can still maintain your career while spending quality time with your loved ones. You can do this by being disciplined about becoming more efficient both at work and at home and by identifying and defeating the things that rob you of time.
    Check it is a valid concern rather than a preconceived idea that no longer holds true. I have personal experience with a number of friends who have continued to gain promotions in their work environment despite the fact they work part time.
    Look at the cost of having a full time career. If the choice for you is between spending time with loved ones (or doing things you love) and not rising quite as far in your career... or not having time for your loved ones (or the things you love) and rising to the height of your career... which choice will you make? Several years ago I gave the eulogy for my grandfather at his funeral. As I read it, it became obvious that people did not remember him for his business successes, but rather for the person he was, the time he spent with them and the ways in which he touched their hearts.

If it is genuinely the case (and check that it is) that you cannot pursue your current career and still have a work home life balance, then it may be that you have to change where you work or look for ways in which you can make passive income.

What does it take?
There are 4 steps to having a great work home balance:
    Assess your current work home life balance
    Work out your goals and your priorities
    Become a successful juggler
    Manage your stress

Step 1: Assess your current work home life balance
There are a number of tools available to assess your current work home life balance to see which areas of your life are falling short. The six areas that usually make up your life are:
    Home environment
    Health and body
It is usually a failure to give adequate time and attention to one or more of these areas of your life that causes you to feel like you do not have a good home work life balance.

Once you have identified the areas that are causing you problems, it is time to move into the second step which involves working out your goals and your priorities.

Step 2: Work out your goals and your priorities
You will only feel like you do not have a healthy work home life balance if you are not spending sufficient time doing something you believe is important. In other words, you are not living life according to your values. This step involves working out what is really important to you in life. This can require ruthless honestly because you need to be focusing upon what really matters to you, not what:

    other people think should matter to you;
    you think other people think should matter to you; and
    you think 'society' believes should be important to you.

Once you have worked out what is important to you:
    set yourself some goals;
    prioritize them; and
    begin to take the actions that will help you achieve them.

Step 3: Become a successful juggler
Everyone has exactly the same number of seconds in each day, yet some of us always find sufficient time to do the things we want and others struggle. What makes the difference? The difference lies in how we spend our time.

To successfully juggle your time so that you achieve all you want to in a day requires you to do three simple things:
    Defeat the things that rob you of time. Work out what your time robbers are and implement strategies to stop them stealing your time in future. The time robbers may be internal things such as procrastination or disorganisation, they may be external things such as clients or people who drop in for chats or they may be things like watching television.
    Become more efficient in the way you do your tasks. Can you multi task by, for example, putting the washing on before you start cooking dinner so that you can hang it up while dinner is simmering? Can you do all of one type of job at the same time or cook in bulk and freeze meals? Find the ways you can become more efficient and be ruthless about doing it. Every second you shave off a task is a second you have to spend on something more precious to you.
    Spend quality time with yourself and loved ones. Implement techniques so that you 'switch off' from work and can be present with the loved ones in your life. Even if your work prohibits you from have a large amount of time with your loved ones, find ways to make the time you have with them count.

Step 4: Manage your stress
Feeling like you are not in balance can cause you to feel stressed. When you feel stressed you become unpleasant both in your work and home environments and you also find it more difficult to complete tasks. The final step in having a successful work home life balance is to implement strategies to ensure that the levels of stress you feel in your life because of the competing priorities you have are adequately managed.

Sandra Rodman B Com LLB LLM Master Results Coach, Master Performance Consultant, Master NLP Practitioner, Master Ericsonian Hypnosis, Reiki Practitioner, Pellowah Practitioner and author of 'Work Home Life Balance Success Secrets' shares the techniques she has used and teaches others in a corporate environment to have a healthy and happy work home life balance.

Gaining Success - In Work and Life

What is this thing success that everyone is going after? How are you going to gauge if you have reached success?

There are different definitions of success. Some go after awards and yet there are many cases where people doing excellent jobs or projects never receive an award. Some base success on wages with the more received wage the more success is given to it. Others go after a title and once reached feel that this is success. None of these however are proof of success. Awards, titles, and wages can all be very impressive but there have also been times when someone has all of this and is not thought well about which affects success.

So what happens to the definition of success if someone doesn't have a title and never receives an award? What happens to a person that makes a decent wage but no way comes near huge amounts in wages? Has success gone out the window?

It has to do with the definition. As training is done this is part of the training and education that should occur. Where is the employee or any person trying to accomplish? It is a service to guide people to attain their goals. These goals should be directing them to the success they wish to attain. Often though, the question is not asked. What are employees working towards both individually and in regards to the company?

Having success is reaching the defined goals. These goals need to be defined and the action plan made. So for anyone to have success it is about the goals that will fulfill that life. Yes there can be success at work and there should, and success at home, with sports and entertainment avenues, along with whatever goals are made. But the success comes when the goals are reached along the way and a life continues to go forward. Along the way there needs to be balance including fun along the way. If a life gets thrown off balance, success also suffers.

When looking at success a person needs to take into consideration the happiness that will come from the life lived. If the life is bringing joy through the goals attained then success is happening. If the defined goals are being gone after, then success is happening. It's a good idea to take the time to evaluate these once in a while. Success comes from the aspects of life (work, fun, friends, and family) that fills a life.

Liz Cosline
Ownership Coach - coaching people to the success of their goals and dreams through developed programs individually and business teams. Coaching people and teams to success.

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Luck Or Hard Work - Which One Determines Life Success?

I have been thinking about this question since a long time. How much percentage luck and how much percentage hard work play in our life success? I am sure that at any point of your life, you would have looked at a person and said "How lucky He/She is. I wish I was like him/her".

In order to understand this topic better, I began to read various personality development books and started talking with people regarding this. This article is about what I learned from them and what conclusion I had come upon.

A one sentence answer to our question is given in the book, the monk who sold his Ferrari, "What is luck, my friend?" Julian replied kindly. "It is nothing more than the marriage of preparation with opportunity." As we see, Preparation plays a vital important role in life success. When opportunity comes to a person who is prepared, he can take the opportunity. This is what Julian Mantle considers as luck. So if the luck knocks an unprepared mind, there is a high probability that he missed the opportunity and hence misses his luck.

When posed this question to my friend Shyam, he told me "Life really is generous to those who pursue their destiny. When a person is determined to succeed in his life, the whole world wants him to win. Lady Luck is greedy. It supports success. It goes with those who do hard work. The nature silently prays for the person who does hard work and lady luck can't ignore him for long. A better word for Luck is opportunity. A person, who wants to learn more, who wants to accomplish something great in life, who focuses on only realizing his dreams, is bound to succeed and the right opportunity will definitely knock his door."

If a person believes only in luck, he just buys lottery tickets. He just waits. He will always be like that gambler in Las Vegas, staying at the roulette wheel. But if u do hard work, and luck comes, u never miss that luck.

Arun Vijay, put the answer in this way "You need to do had work without believing in luck. If you do hard work, and luck doesn't come your way, you don't need to worry since you have only believed in hard work and not luck. Hard work includes ability and skills. You should have right attitude to make this happen. If you wish to fly, and you do hard work day and night without working on to acquiring the necessary skills required flying, it is almost guaranteed that luck will be reluctant to come to your foot step".

It is truth that there might be many people who got success just of sheer luck. But since exceptions are not rules, I personally believe that we should not take these people as our role model since they took a bit of short cut to reach success. Short cut don't always lead a person to success.

What I understand on this topic is that, we are supposed to do our home work without depending on the luck factor. We should not be like a person who buys a lottery tickets and waits till luck blesses him. He may end up spending his life on this. We have to take advantage when luck is on our side, and do as much to help it as it's doing to help us. This is called the principle of favorability or beginner's luck.

If you are a student, we can do our best to concentrate on our studies and do as much hard work as we can. If you are an employee, give your best to your job. If you have a dream to follow, start immediately on it. Luck waits for no one. Before it comes, be prepared for it.
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Success at Work With Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence can get you far. You can be as smart and educated as a Nobel laureate, but if your competence is not matched by confidence, you will fail to reach your full potential.
Think of Nikola Tesla.
Who you say?
Nikola Tesla invented the alternate current, wireless transmission of power, vertical take-off aircraft and many other things. Yet barely no-one has heard of this man.
How can that be?
He was a typical example of a brilliant brain that was not matched with self-marketing skills and the ability to confidently put a foot down and claim credit for his inventions. Others did that for him. The likes of Thomas Edison and companies like Westinghouse.

For you, dear reader, it is very important to be a confident person, especially at work, and especially if your work is utilizing your above-average intelligence.

But what personality traits define a confident person? Here's my list:
- The ability to approach others, including strangers, to make them help solving a problem.
- The ability to hold solid eye-contact during conversations, both when listening and speaking.
- The ability to have extended conversations, even those that never leave the realm of small-talk.
- The ability to be funny and tell a joke from time to time.
- The ability to attract and talk to members of the opposite sex whenever he or she wishes.
- The ability to stand his ground in disputes and defend his own point of view.
- The drive to take decisions after careful consideration and then sticking to them.
- The ability to negotiate down the price for anything.
- An unapologetic stance towards life. Knowing, that we all make mistakes, there is no need to berate oneself for any.
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Secret To Success - Being Human At Work

Utilizing your passion, avoiding procrastination and revamping your soft skills are some of the most important tips for success in business. I'd like to add one more important factor to succeed more in your line of work. And that is:

Be human

In this competitive world, we work so hard and so much, and sometimes so ruthlessly, we start resembling machines. No emotions, just tasks at hand. But to succeed more, and to enjoy the success, you have to remember your human nature. Start small by paying more attention to the world around you. And use the most important, but often forgotten words of pleasure - thank you and please.

Your ego should be healthy enough to use these two words often and better yet, never enough. Say it to your colleagues, employees, clients, anyone who crosses your path inside and outside your workplace.

In fact, take out some time from your busy schedule to send out handwritten notes of thank-you to your clients, or anyone you want to show your appreciation for. It might be an old fashioned way of communication but whoever receives such genuine tokens of appreciation will definitely be thankful for your efforts, thus helping you build a better rapport with them. And of course, better relationships yield better results, whether being more productive, or making a sale.

Another way to show your humanity at work is to SMILE. A smile can brighten your mood. A smile is contagious, thus brightening the moods of others around you. And at tough times, a smile can get rid of the stress you and your colleagues might face. A smile can bring hope, thus motivating you to keep going, and not give up at bleak situations.

And finally, there's your attitude. Adopt a cut-throat attitude, and you'll pretty much be at the receiving end of some ruthless animosity from others around you. However, adopt a positive attitude, and welcome a more friendly, more productive environment at work.

There are of course many other ways to being human. Set the standards high, and you'll encourage others to follow your example. And all this can lead to more success in business.
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Success at Work : People Skills : Dealing with New Ideas

e-organizing, re-engineering, re-training, down-sizing, outsourcing, changing-changing-changing. Organizations today think they need to be constantly changing or they will perish. Corporate leaders worship at the alter of new ideas where the motto is, "Any new idea is a good idea".

Every organization operates based on work-flow and processes. The reason the current processes are in effect is because over the years, many different ways of doing things have been tried, and the organization adapted the current processes because they work.

There's nothing wrong with new ideas. Business conditions are always changing. New competitors appear, new regulations are enacted, and new technologies become available. The smart organization needs to adjust and innovate. But here's the problem - 99 percent of all new ideas don't work.

- If you want to be successful at work, you have to learn how to handle a constant barrage of new ideas and the chaotic work environment that results.

New Ideas from the Corporate Board Room

The most destructive new ideas come from the Board Room. A corporate executive has an idea. He knows that 99 percent of new ideas, even his ideas, won't work. He proposes the idea in order to receive feedback from the managers. Instead of pointing out flaws in the executive's idea, managers heads start bobbing.

No one has the courage to tell the executive that his idea won't work. In fact, each manager is thinking to themselves, "I'm going to MAKE his idea work and get some browny points."

There are three reasons why most new ideas from the corporate board room don't work.

1. People at the executive level get all their information from "head bobbing" managers. At the executive level, reality is replaced by political fantasy.

2. They produce one-size-fits-all solutions. Most new ideas don't work when they have to accommodate the complexity of reality.

3. Rather than taking time to study an idea, managers begin immediate implementation. After all, the way all those managers heads were bobbing, the idea must be great.

When your job is affected by an idea passed down from management, DO NOT respond by saying "that won't work". Managers have a built-in filter that converts the phrase "that won't work" to "I have a bad attitude". If you have a reason why the idea won't work, say it this way, "How does that work with (reason why the idea won't work)".

Saying it that way, you have not rejected the idea. In fact, you may have given the manager an opportunity to fix a problem before it arises. If you see a problem with an idea and you provide a solution to that problem, you will be considered a great team player.

New Ideas from Co-workers

If a co-worker approaches you with an idea that varies from the company's policies and procedures, don't respond by approving or disapproving the idea. Say this, "that's an interesting idea. Check with the supervisor/manager before doing things that way. Until then, we should follow the current procedure."

- Almost all mistakes made by a business are the result of an employee deciding to do things THEIR WAY rather than follow the company's procedures. To eliminate mistakes, a company must fully document and vigorously enforce all policies and procedures. Workers must follow the company's procedures.

Because the workers actually know what's going on in the company, they are in a position to produce good ideas. Unfortunately, their ideas are often only ways to make THEIR job easier by shifting their work to another person or department.

If your supervisor/manager asks for your input on a co-worker's idea, don't respond by saying "that won't work" or by criticizing the idea. When you criticize a co-worker's idea, you criticize the co-worker. You will step on the co-workers ego and probably create an enemy. Instead, respond by asking questions about the idea in a way that implies that you might not fully understand the idea. For example, ask "how does that work with (reason why the idea won't work)".

- If the co-worker's idea won't work, don't be surprised if the manager approves it anyway. There are several reasons why a manager will approve a bad idea. Sometimes the manager wants to let the worker learn for themself why the idea won't work. Sometimes a bad idea is approved in order to pacify the employee. Sometimes it's because the manager doesn't have a clue how things work in their own department.

- Most ideas start out stupid and eventually die (until some fool brings it up again a year later). But about one percent of ideas receive some study and get modified until they actually work.

Handling Rejection of Your Own Ideas

A good employee is always thinking of ways to improve their job and their company. Bosses like workers who take the initiative to solve problems. Companies need all the ideas they can get. But the fact remains that statistically 99 percent of all ideas don't work, and that includes YOUR ideas.

When your boss and coworkers point out the reasons why your idea won't work, don't feel they are criticizing you personally. They are criticizing the IDEA, not YOU. No matter how unworkable the idea turns out, you are still to be credited with producing the idea.

- If your manager rejects your idea, don't be surprised if later they present the same or a similar idea as their own. In any organization, no matter who takes the credit, everyone always knows where an idea really came from. Eventually you will receive the recognition you deserve.

Statistically, 99 percent of all ideas don't work. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't keep thinking of ways to improve your job, your company, and your company's product. It's not the GETTING of ideas that's bad, It's the implementing of ideas without doing the required studies - that's bad. One in a hundred ideas DO work, and occasionally that one idea will generate millions of dollars of savings or revenue for the company.
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Success at Work: Techniques: Computer Literacy

t's hard to believe that there are people in today's workforce who don't know how to use a computer. In today's society, being computer illiterate is equivalent to being functionally illiterate. Obviously no one reading this article is computer illiterate, but maybe you know someone who thinks they can avoid computers and still be successful at work.

Let me tell you a story about a good friend of mine back when I worked at Motorola. The company moved the manufacturing of automobile alternators offshore, resulting in his transfer to my department. Although he had about 20 years with the company, this was to be his last stop before being booted out the door.

He was assigned to me as an Electronics Technician, and the first assignment that I gave him was to lay out a small printed circuit (pc) board. It was a tiny circuit for a tester, so computer drafting was not required. He could just sketch it out on paper. After several days, he came back to me explaining that he didn't have the technical ability to lay out a pc board.

An Electronics Technician that couldn't lay out a simple pc board? Don't all Electronics Technicians make little hobby circuits at home? At least all the technicians I knew did.

I explained that he needed to draw outlines of the components and then use the schematic to draw lines between the components connections. Then, maybe rearrange the components if that would result in fewer crossing paths. I also explained something much more profound, how to deal with the complexity of technology.

Many people, when they come into contact with technology, consider themselves too stupid to deal with it. Technology is only for geniuses and geeks. Sometimes technology is too complex, but it's not because people are stupid, it's because the technology is poorly designed.

For example, take software, like a graphics program, spreadsheet or database. Is the intended user of the software a computer programmer, or an average person? These applications are intended for use by an average person. If an application is too complex for the average person, the application is at fault - not the user.

Why are most computers and software applications too complex for the average person? Because they are designed by programmers who are under pressure to get the product out the door. Does the application have simple, easy-to-use help files? Software developers consider help files even less important than application usability.

- The bottom line is, people are not stupid - computers and software applications ARE too complex.

In today's world, where workers are required to use computers and technology, how can they deal with the complexity? Back to the story about my friend at Motorola.

After receiving my instructions, he successfully completed the pc board layout. I then introduced him to Computer Automated Engineering (CAE). I showed him how to drag electronic components from a library, use the mouse to draw circuit paths, make the computer simulate the function of the circuit, and then make the computer layout a pc board for the circuit.

He was able to easily master complex technology because he now understood that he wasn't stupid. Computers ARE complex. When he needed help, he studied the help files or asked someone for help. Eventually, his CAE skills became known and I lost him to another manager. "His last stop before being booted out the door?" I don't think so. There's no way Motorola is going to let this valuable employee get away.

Even though it's the programmers fault that computers and software are too complex, that doesn't relieve you of all responsibility. You must make an effort. Like my friend at Motorola, you must study the help files or ask someone for help when you need it. Not only must you study the help files, but you must also be willing to "try things".

Many people fear that if they click on the wrong thing, the computer will blow up and they will be blamed for it. A properly designed software application prevents the user from making a fatal mistake, either by making it impossible, or by providing a warning message. A properly designed application lets the user "back out of" or reverse any action. One of the best ways to learn is to "try things". If the computer blow ups because you made a mistake, you're using improperly designed software.

When you're learning how to perform a function with a computer, if you expect you may need to perform that same function again, take notes. No one will think you're stupid if you take notes. But if you keep asking over and over again how to perform the same function, they will think you're too stupid to take notes.

When I worked at Motorola, I used a technique called "strokes" to make symbols appear and move around the computer screen like magic. Some people called me the "Electronic God". How did I get so good? I tried things. I failed. I studied. I tried again. I understood that technology IS complex. So what?

In today's society, being computer illiterate is equivalent to being functionally illiterate. Make the effort to study the help files and to "try things". Don't get discouraged or blame yourself if you don't succeed on the first try. The computer won't blow up if you make a mistake. You can't be successful at work if you fail to embrace computers and technology.
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10 Predictors Of Success At Work

How likely are YOU to be successful on the job? How likely is it that others perceive you as already successful or potentially successful? The following ten attributes and skills--or lack of them-- predict whether you will actually succeed in the workplace or merely stagnate. Make a conscious effort to develop each one of them and watch your career take off!

1. Ability to read other people

You've got to be able to interpret others' facial expressions, body language, words, and innuendos. If you're sitting in a meeting and somebody pushes his chair away from the table, crosses his arms, and looks down at the floor, do you understand what this means? If your colleague isn't looking you in the eye when she's talking to you, do you grasp the message? If your boss listens to your idea in a brainstorming session and simply comments, "Brilliant", when you finish, do you know if she's being sincere? When you're trying to tell a group of folks something and they start walking away from you midstream, do you get the message they're sending? You have to pick up on others' cues and clues. It's part of emotional intelligence, and it has practical implications in the workplace. If you can't accurately read people most of the time, you won't get very far.

2. Flexibility

Rigidity is the opposite of flexibility, and it's rampant in the professional world. You won't get far being rigid either: rigid in your thinking, your actions, your style, your approach, your worldview, your perceptions, your judgments. You've got to learn to bend. This doesn't mean you give up your core values or change your mind every time the wind blows. This doesn't mean you say you agree with others even when you don't. Flexibility means you do things a different way depending on what the situation calls for. It means you approach Sally differently than how you approach Tom because they are very different people. It means you stay late on a day when a crisis occurs and throws off the schedule. If you're not flexible, you will be miserable-and so will many others who live with you.

3. Honesty mixed with discretion

To make it in the workplace you need to be honest. But you also need to be wise. For example, giving too much unnecessary information when somebody asks you a question may not be a smart idea. Revealing personal details about an individual that could harm that person's reputation without good reason is not good judgment. Telling your boss exactly what you think of him when you're annoyed jeopardizes your job. You have to figure out how to be honest without being reckless or stupid. Use some discretion as you speak honestly about a situation, a colleague, a supervisor, or a person in the community. And remember that brutal honesty is rarely a good thing. Telling your peer that a Board member is a jerk-even if she is-reflects badly on you. Your comment may have been honest, but it certainly wasn't wise.

4. Attention to detail

What details? Pay attention to every appointment on your calendar, written notes to and from other people, spellings of words in emails, tone of voice in phone messages, facial expressions, body language, emotional displays, offhand comments, and the things people don't actually say. Notice everything. Register everything. Keep promises, or provide an explanation as to why you can't do so. Follow up on projects, tasks, phone calls, and people's questions. Don't let things slide. Folks often say they are too busy to pay close attention to details. You can't afford not to pay attention to them. If you're known for looking at the details and acting upon them, you'll go far in the workplace. Why? Dealing with details conveys to other individuals that you value them, care about them, want to make things better for them. If you want to stand a part from the crowd, zero in on the details.

5. Ability to think strategically.

This one is huge. If you can't or won't think strategically, you aren't going anywhere today. Strategic thinking isn't small and impulsive. It's visionary and considers the whole picture. It's looking at how one thing can fit into the bigger thing. Strategic thinking considers impact upon other people, other departments, company viability, community image. Many employees-even managers-aren't capable of this type of thinking. Many people find it easier to remain in a little self-centered box. Strategic thinking requires more work, more effort, more energy. But when you do it, it's a wonderful experience for you personally and incredibly valuable to the organization.

6. Dependability

Sometimes people live in the illusion that they are dependable when in fact they are not. Dependable isn't just showing up for work sometime in the morning; it's getting there on time most of the time. Dependable isn't doing what you said you'd do sometime during the month; it's doing it now or as soon as you can within a couple of days. Dependable isn't telling your boss you'll take charge of a project and then farming much of the responsibility out to peers without her knowledge. Dependability has a lot to do with your character. Ouch! Maybe that hurt a bit. If you are dependable, you're holding yourself to a high standard. Do what you agree to do. Do it when you say you'll do it. Do it the way you described you'd do it. Nothing less. No lame excuses.

7. Inspiring to others

To what extent do you motivate staff, colleagues, and/or your supervisor to be the best they can be? To contribute great ideas? To keep on plugging away when things look bleak? To do that little something extra? To give others the benefit of the doubt? To resist criticizing someone when they don't know all the facts? Do you set a positive example to the people in your work world? Do they want to be more like YOU? One of the ways you can make your own life better is by inspiring others to do their jobs effectively, efficiently, and pleasantly. By inspiring others you not only give something to them but also to yourself.

8. Team player mindset

Many people like silos because working in them is much easier and simpler than working with teams. In a team people have to cooperate, watch out for each other, do synthesis, consider the other guy's feelings, facilitate projects, manage process, and expand their horizons. Sounds complicated, doesn't it? Well, it often is quite complex. But in the long run, it's usually worth the effort. The quality of the work is richer, and the end result is better than when folks produce something alone. A wonderful by-product of teamwork is personal growth for each member. It's true that human beings develop faster and more deeply when they have to work with each other to reach a certain endpoint. Also keep in mind that silos are quickly becoming a structure of the past in lots of organizations.

9. Trust building

Live each day like this: be your best self and do your best work at all times. While no one is perfect, you can certainly hold yourself to this standard. People notice this behavior in another person. Why not commit to being that kind of person? Tell yourself that, starting today, you will do whatever it takes for your boss and peers to put their trust in you. Trust is as valuable as gold. Think about it. If folks don't trust you to be reasonable, thoughtful, dependable, punctual, good to your word, and able to deliver, why would they want to promote you, keep you, or reward you? Spend time investing in building trust. It's sort of like putting money in the bank.

10. Centered

Ask yourself if you are a well grounded individual or someone who is unstable. Just how unstable are you? What triggers your instability? Do you need professional help to get this under control so that you can function adequately in the workplace? Do you have an anger problem that unnerves others? Do you need serious help to manage that anger, or is your anger simply habitual, a strategy you've always used to get your own way? Do little things set you off? To what degree do you govern yourself appropriately? Do you have a substance abuse issue? What are you doing about it? Don't kid yourself: you are not centered if you drink too much alcohol, lash out with rage, or demonstrate many inconsistencies in words and/or behavior. Take stock of yourself. How grounded are YOU? Know that you will pay a big price on the job if you lack centering.
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Gaining Success - In Work and Life

What is this thing success that everyone is going after? How are you going to gauge if you have reached success?

There are different definitions of success. Some go after awards and yet there are many cases where people doing excellent jobs or projects never receive an award. Some base success on wages with the more received wage the more success is given to it. Others go after a title and once reached feel that this is success. None of these however are proof of success. Awards, titles, and wages can all be very impressive but there have also been times when someone has all of this and is not thought well about which affects success.

So what happens to the definition of success if someone doesn't have a title and never receives an award? What happens to a person that makes a decent wage but no way comes near huge amounts in wages? Has success gone out the window?

It has to do with the definition. As training is done this is part of the training and education that should occur. Where is the employee or any person trying to accomplish? It is a service to guide people to attain their goals. These goals should be directing them to the success they wish to attain. Often though, the question is not asked. What are employees working towards both individually and in regards to the company?

Having success is reaching the defined goals. These goals need to be defined and the action plan made. So for anyone to have success it is about the goals that will fulfill that life. Yes there can be success at work and there should, and success at home, with sports and entertainment avenues, along with whatever goals are made. But the success comes when the goals are reached along the way and a life continues to go forward. Along the way there needs to be balance including fun along the way. If a life gets thrown off balance, success also suffers.

When looking at success a person needs to take into consideration the happiness that will come from the life lived. If the life is bringing joy through the goals attained then success is happening. If the defined goals are being gone after, then success is happening. It's a good idea to take the time to evaluate these once in a while. Success comes from the aspects of life (work, fun, friends, and family) that fills a life.

Liz Cosline
Ownership Coach - coaching people to the success of their goals and dreams through developed programs individually and business teams. Coaching people and teams to success.
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Excellence at Work - Steps to Finding Success on the Job

Congratulations...You Landed Your Great New Job! Now what do you do?

Follow these steps to success on the new job.

1) Greet Everyone With A Smile.
Introduce yourself to everyone you meet. Keep track of their names in a notebook. Learn all your co-workers names as quickly as possible. People want to work with people they like... be likeable!

2) Get To Work Early, Stay Late.
Employers don't value employees who come in late and are ready to leave the very moment quitting time arrives. Look, you're new. You have a pretty steep learning curve. Showing you are the type of person willing and eager to get up to speed quickly is what employers love to see in a new hire.

3) Ask Lots Of Questions.
You're new, that's how you learn. As I mentioned previously, asking questions shows that you are interested in the job and eager to get up to speed as quickly as possible. You have to learn the details of the job before you can excel, asking questions is how you learn.

4) Do More Than Requested.
Don't sit around idle. If you finish a task you are given, ask for more to do. Everyone's job has certain menial tasks that don't require much training. If you are all caught up, offer to help one of your colleagues with some of these type of tasks. They will love you for the help.

5) Take The Job Home With You.
When you are starting a new job it isn't a nine- to -five proposition. Research your new company and the processes or systems you are using. If allowed, take some of your work home. If there is a part of your new job that you are struggling with, search for additional training resources at home. Google can be your friend. Search for the additional training you need. There are hundreds of educational videos on YouTube as well as hundreds of articles on great sites like EzineArticles. This effort will pay big dividends very quickly and will set you apart from other employees.

6) Don't Get Involved In Office Gossip.
Become part of the group and go to lunch when asked, etc. You want to fit into the group but don't participate in the petty office gossip. Treat everyone with respect and you will earn their respect as well.

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How to Be Successful at Work in 5 Simple Steps

It's important for everyone to know how to be successful at work. Whether you're a government employee, a self-made entrepreneur or a simple clerk at a department store - it's crucial that you know how to make the most of your skills and potential.

Read on to learn how to be successful at work.

Step 1: Be a team player.

Cooperation is key. You can't go anywhere without knowing how to work well with other people. We may all have different beliefs and ideas, but that doesn't mean we can't be part of a team.

In fact, knowing how to deal with different group dynamics is one of the most sought after characteristics in employees these days. You may be one of the best in your field; but if you can't work with other people, then you may be more trouble than you're worth.

Step 2: Learn to stand on your own.

Knowing how to work on your own is equally important. There will be times when you'll be assigned to do a certain task by yourself.

If you fail at this, then how can your boss rely on you to do a good job in the future? If you want to learn how to be successful at work, you should be able to hold your own in the company.

Step 3: Don't miss deadlines.

Deadlines are there for a reason. Students who submit their projects ahead of the deadline are usually those who are eager to get a good grade. In the workforce, not missing deadlines is still very important. It shows how organized you are and alleviates the company's fear of having an inefficient employee.

Step 4: Always have your game face on.

You should always be ready for a challenge. You should always be prepared to give it your all. If you want to know how to be successful at work, this is how you do it.

Keep in mind that your boss will always be watching your performance. One slip-up and it goes into your boss' record if not the official one.

Step 5: Be assertive.

Keeping quiet won't get you promoted. If there's an opportunity for you to share your ideas, then go ahead and take advantage of the situation. This shows everyone that you're actively participating in the growth of the company and that's very good news indeed.

Just make sure that your suggestions are actually worth considering and not just a bunch of nonsense. Otherwise, you might find yourself terminated prematurely.

These are my 5 steps on how to be successful at work. I'm sure you can come up with your own unique steps as well. As long as you have the drive to give it your all, everything else will follow.

To help you achieve your dreams in record time, I'd like to give you FREE instant access to some of the best self-improvement e-Books worth over $2,355.00! Download them free at Article Source:

Tips for Recording Your Executive Success at Work

If you are a senior executive with an office in the C-suite, then you might find measuring your successes to be difficult. Likely, you are not performing every single task for which your division has oversight. You might have 10 or 20 or 100 people reporting to you and working on various aspects of widely distributed and complex projects. If you can break the projects your team is completing down into major sections, then you can explain in several formats how your leadership directly affects the project success and its effects on your company's bottom line.

How to Keep an Accurate Record of Your Work History

There are several key ways you can keep records of your success as a CEO, CTO, or CMO. First, you need the right tools, but, luckily, you can track your own successes with simple software you probably already have, including spreadsheets, word processing, and scanning.

In a Spreadsheet

Your project managers probably already have delivered to you project milestones and timelines. If you can input these into a spreadsheet you can also mark your own successes and leadership contributions to each project. Place a milestone list down the left hand side, and put headers across the top such as "team members," "budget," "key obstacles," "solutions developed," "deliverables," and any other measurables you believe are relevant to your company's growth. The more you can provide calculable, quantifiable results, with dollars earned, dollars saved, percentages of increase or decrease of keep metrics, and any other key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your company, the better prepared you will be to report on your successes when the time comes for your own performance to be evaluated.

In a Word Processing File

Sometimes, as an executive, the successes you need to record for yourself are best maintained in a word processing document. You can treat these personal files as narratives of your ongoing successes. Remember to record the elements of each project that you found easy, the ones you found challenging, and the specific strategies you employed to make sure that each project was a success. It might be worth your while to keep copies of these files on your personal home computer rather than your work professional computer, so that you can be honest with yourself and maintain records that are accurate from a professional standpoint as well as a psychological one.

In Scans of Documents

Files you may have access to only once or twice per year include your evaluations by your board or your executive team. It is worth your while to keep copies of these records somewhere you can access them easily and quickly. Your annual or semiannual review documents are examples of these. You can scan these and easily, and you will have exact copies of the types of comments your superiors are making about your work performance. Similarly, it makes sense to keep electronic scanned copies of any letters you get from your customers, vendors, or professional associates. Often, what people say about you carries more weight than what you can say about yourself.

Career Coaches Recommend Using These Records of Your Successes for Preparation of Your Executive Resume and Executive Biography

The point of keeping these records is twofold. First you will need to know for yourself or your successes in your work has been when your annual review comes around. You want to report to your executive board or your superiors on the types of leadership that you have delivered. Also, when you are seeking a transfer or promotion or a new executive position with another company, it helps to have these data points at your fingertips. Your executive resume writer and executive career coach will need to know these types of information to better guide the creation of your career portfolio. In addition, these successes form the meat of the types of answers you will have to give during the interviews in which you will be required to participate as you seek new executive positions. Having the record of your work successes at your fingertips when this time comes, will make the process much easier and much more comfortable for you, because you will already be accustomed to speaking about these types of executive accomplishments.

Amy L. Adler, MBA, MA, CARW, CEO of Five Strengths Career Transition Experts. Call (801) 810-JOBS for your professional resume. Career coaching service also available.

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Planning for Trade Show Exhibit Success

Binary options are fixed return options

Why does strategic planning seem to be last on the to-do list for trade shows? Of course, planning for all the details involved in an exhibit is a given. But it is all too easy to fall into the trap of showing up at an event, hoping for the best. Based on sheer number of attendees, you will probably get a few leads. However, going to a show without strategic objectives in mind is not the best use of your marketing dollars and sales staff.

What are the components of a successful event strategy? There are three major components.

Business Objectives

It all starts with the overall business objectives of your company. While working from your basic business objectives may seem obvious, the fundamentals can be overlooked. How can this event promote your overall company objectives, sales revenues, brand personality, products and services, and target markets?

For example, you may be introducing your products to a new industry in a new event. In that case, your event strategy needs to include educating the market about both your company and your products. By focusing on the business objectives, you can create an event strategy to meet those objectives while promoting the identity of your company and targeting the right audience. Take the time to research and analyze these components before putting an event plan in place, or hire someone to help you.

Marketing Strategy

The next component is fitting the event into your overall marketing strategy. The key is to make sure that each component of your marketing plan is working with your event strategy. When you are preparing for an event, post it on your website, advertise it through industry publications and social media, and promote it through public relations. The worst feeling is to attend an event where your customers did not even know to look for you! Trade show events should help you both reach new prospects and reinforce your existing customer relationships. Take advantage of all your marketing efforts to promote your trade show event activities.

Event Strategy

Once you have focused on specific business objectives and overall marketing objectives, you can create an effective event strategy specific to a trade show event. The same strategy cannot be used for every event, because every event is unique.

In creating an event strategy, identify the following elements.

Show objectives: What results do you want to achieve from the show? Perhaps you are looking for opportunities to actually sell your product on site and need to set a sales quota. If you have a long sales cycle, your objective may be to set appointments with 10 key prospects. Your objectives must be something that you can measure after the event.

Target audience: What segment of attendees might buy your product or service? What are they specifically looking for that your company can provide? How can you best reach your exact target?

Brand messages: What major messages do you want to communicate that will be remembered after the show? How can your exhibit and all your collateral materials work together to communicate those messages?

The best event strategy involves planning for before, during and after the show.

Pre-show marketing: How will you communicate that you are attending the show before the event? Will you send an invitation to key prospects or advertise in the show catalog?

Booth experience: What will happen when they visit your exhibit space? Do you need product demonstrations or a private conference room or both?

On-site marketing: What information will you convey at the event and how will you capture leads?

Post-show marketing: How will you follow up with clients and prospects after the event? A surprising number of exhibitors collect names but have no plan for getting in contact with those people after the event.


The final step is to evaluate the components of the plan and your results after the event to determine whether the event was successful. Work with the sales team to find out if the leads met their objectives and how much business they closed as a result. Document what worked and what failed and decide whether to participate in the event again based on your results.

By taking a strategic approach to every event, your bottom-line results from your trade show efforts are bound to get better.

Karin Roberts
The Tradeshow Network Marketing Group

About The Tradeshow Network Marketing Group

As specialists in trade show marketing, The Tradeshow Network Marketing Group offers start-to-finish services for high-impact trade show appearances, including strategic marketing services, portable and custom designed displays; rentals, storage, shipping, installation, and complete trade show management show services.

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 because they come with only 2 possible outcomes. It is a contract which gives the buyer a right to buy an underlying asset at a predecided fixed price within a specified time limit. The security that is being traded is known as the underlying asset and can include commodities (e.g. gold, silver, nickel, lead, and oil), currencies (USD/JPY), stocks (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, IBM) or stock indices. The price at which owner buys or sells is known as the strike price.

When trading binary options the person who is buying the underlying asset chooses call option if he is expecting a rise in the value of the security at the end of the expiry of time which may be the end of the day, week or the month. The buyer will place a call option thinking that the option price would be more than the current price at the time of trade. In vice versa the owner will place a put option if he thinks that the option price will be less than the current price. Binary option trade is the most flexible type of trade available. The trader can select the asset, predicted direction, expiry time and it can all be controlled by the owner of the security. The only thing that remains unknown is whether the asset will expire lesser or higher than the current price.

There are significant differences between binary option trading and an ordinary trading. Under ordinary trading you actually own the asset and can possess it for any time you desire. Under option trading, you are actually trading on the variances of the asset. For example, when you do option trade in Microsoft, you are actually not owning the shares of the company but making a contract whether the price of Microsoft's shares are to go up or down at the end of the expiry period. The correctness to which one can make the prediction after studying the price movement of the security can help in making profit or losses for the trader.

Binary options' trading is a common tool used by traders nowadays. Most day traders now adopt binary options trading so as to increase the profits that they earn from these trades. Simply, binary options' trading is a contract which upon the attainment of a specified condition gives a predetermined fixed amount to the trader. The amount to be paid depends on whether his contract ends "in the money" or ends "out of money". In the case were a contract ends "out of money" the trader will not receive anything at the time of expiry.

of the security of a company for a particular time period, then surely option trading is the area where you can surely succeed. Binary options trading do carry with it a high risk. But is there any trading instrument which is completely risk free? If you are able to bear the risk that is associated with options trading, the returns that you would be getting will be much more than the returns that any other trading instrument will give you.

How can we make use of the binary options to make money?

1. Trade on the most active and liquid securities: A trader should always do trade on those companies which are very active on the indices and do larger volumes of trade each day. These will be highly capitalized growth oriented companies and you can always expect their prices to go up.

2. Do the opposite if the market has risen already: In a day if you have missed out on a market rally caused by a sector a particular company, then don't feel sad. You could trade for the opposite as the prices are to settle at the end of the day.

3. Give importance for quantity than quality: The most important thing that you should consider while engaging in binary trading options is that you should consider quantity over quality of the securities. Binary options trading will offer you more return when you go for quantity of shares than to its quality. The traders need not worry about the magnitude but consider only direction of the security price.

4. Binary options trading can be used for hedging: The simplest way to make money from binary option trading is to hedge your contract. If you find before the expiry time, that the price movement is in your favour, you can hedge the contract and lock in the already made profits. To conclude, we can definitely say that binary options trading is one of the most powerful trading instrument available with us which can help in maximizing returns to the traders.
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Binary Options Trading Four Simple Steps to Success

Binary options are fixed return options because they come with only 2 possible outcomes. It is a contract which gives the buyer a right to buy an underlying asset at a predecided fixed price within a specified time limit. The security that is being traded is known as the underlying asset and can include commodities (e.g. gold, silver, nickel, lead, and oil), currencies (USD/JPY), stocks (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, IBM) or stock indices. The price at which owner buys or sells is known as the strike price.

When trading binary options the person who is buying the underlying asset chooses call option if he is expecting a rise in the value of the security at the end of the expiry of time which may be the end of the day, week or the month. The buyer will place a call option thinking that the option price would be more than the current price at the time of trade. In vice versa the owner will place a put option if he thinks that the option price will be less than the current price. Binary option trade is the most flexible type of trade available. The trader can select the asset, predicted direction, expiry time and it can all be controlled by the owner of the security. The only thing that remains unknown is whether the asset will expire lesser or higher than the current price.

There are significant differences between binary option trading and an ordinary trading. Under ordinary trading you actually own the asset and can possess it for any time you desire. Under option trading, you are actually trading on the variances of the asset. For example, when you do option trade in Microsoft, you are actually not owning the shares of the company but making a contract whether the price of Microsoft's shares are to go up or down at the end of the expiry period. The correctness to which one can make the prediction after studying the price movement of the security can help in making profit or losses for the trader.

Binary options' trading is a common tool used by traders nowadays. Most day traders now adopt binary options trading so as to increase the profits that they earn from these trades. Simply, binary options' trading is a contract which upon the attainment of a specified condition gives a predetermined fixed amount to the trader. The amount to be paid depends on whether his contract ends "in the money" or ends "out of money". In the case were a contract ends "out of money" the trader will not receive anything at the time of expiry.

of the security of a company for a particular time period, then surely option trading is the area where you can surely succeed. Binary options trading do carry with it a high risk. But is there any trading instrument which is completely risk free? If you are able to bear the risk that is associated with options trading, the returns that you would be getting will be much more than the returns that any other trading instrument will give you.

How can we make use of the binary options to make money?

1. Trade on the most active and liquid securities: A trader should always do trade on those companies which are very active on the indices and do larger volumes of trade each day. These will be highly capitalized growth oriented companies and you can always expect their prices to go up.

2. Do the opposite if the market has risen already: In a day if you have missed out on a market rally caused by a sector a particular company, then don't feel sad. You could trade for the opposite as the prices are to settle at the end of the day.

3. Give importance for quantity than quality: The most important thing that you should consider while engaging in binary trading options is that you should consider quantity over quality of the securities. Binary options trading will offer you more return when you go for quantity of shares than to its quality. The traders need not worry about the magnitude but consider only direction of the security price.

4. Binary options trading can be used for hedging: The simplest way to make money from binary option trading is to hedge your contract. If you find before the expiry time, that the price movement is in your favour, you can hedge the contract and lock in the already made profits. To conclude, we can definitely say that binary options trading is one of the most powerful trading instrument available with us which can help in maximizing returns to the traders.
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The Key ABC's To Success In Trading The Stock Market

Regardless of the industry you are in, competition is tough. You need to constantly find ways to set yourself apart and explain to potential customers why they should do business with you. One of the best ways to expose your business to many people at once is by working trade shows. The only problem is, your competition is there too! One of the best ways to show/make a big impression is to implement pop-up display boards in your overall trade show marketing strategy.

They come in a variety of background colours and sizes. They can fit on a tabletop, or you can purchase a stand and have them out in front, as an eye-catcher for the people walking by. Your goal is to get people to stop and engage in conversation. These will allow you to be as creative and thought-provoking as you like.

Of course the content that you put up on the display boards are equally important. You must integrate words, pictures and colours to create a compelling image. You don't want too many words, or words that are in small print - people are sure to walk on by. Remember, there are a lot of booths to see, and you have a very small window in which to catch their attention.

They can be highlighted with different accessories such as lights, to give illumination to the board. You can also use inexpensive items like balloons to draw attention. There is really no end to the possibilities.

Be sure to order all of the items you'll need far in advance so you are not scrambling the day before the trade show. You may have to experiment with the layout and content of your board to see what looks best. The pop-up style is quite versatile and sets up in a matter of minutes. It's also easy to dismantle at the end of the show.

Display boards are an integral part of your overall strategy. Make sure that the information you have displayed will entice potential customers and explain why your products or services are worth stopping for and conversing into. You need to capture their attention, but you also need to engage in a bit of conversation. Be sure you have flyers, brochures or business cards to hand out. Better yet, get their name and phone number so you can follow-up after the show. One of your main goals of a trade show is to acquire leads.
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Pop-Up Display Boards for Trade Show Success

Regardless of the industry you are in, competition is tough. You need to constantly find ways to set yourself apart and explain to potential customers why they should do business with you. One of the best ways to expose your business to many people at once is by working trade shows. The only problem is, your competition is there too! One of the best ways to show/make a big impression is to implement pop-up display boards in your overall trade show marketing strategy.

They come in a variety of background colours and sizes. They can fit on a tabletop, or you can purchase a stand and have them out in front, as an eye-catcher for the people walking by. Your goal is to get people to stop and engage in conversation. These will allow you to be as creative and thought-provoking as you like.

Of course the content that you put up on the display boards are equally important. You must integrate words, pictures and colours to create a compelling image. You don't want too many words, or words that are in small print - people are sure to walk on by. Remember, there are a lot of booths to see, and you have a very small window in which to catch their attention.

They can be highlighted with different accessories such as lights, to give illumination to the board. You can also use inexpensive items like balloons to draw attention. There is really no end to the possibilities.

Be sure to order all of the items you'll need far in advance so you are not scrambling the day before the trade show. You may have to experiment with the layout and content of your board to see what looks best. The pop-up style is quite versatile and sets up in a matter of minutes. It's also easy to dismantle at the end of the show.

Display boards are an integral part of your overall strategy. Make sure that the information you have displayed will entice potential customers and explain why your products or services are worth stopping for and conversing into. You need to capture their attention, but you also need to engage in a bit of conversation. Be sure you have flyers, brochures or business cards to hand out. Better yet, get their name and phone number so you can follow-up after the show. One of your main goals of a trade show is to acquire leads.
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The Most Successful Forex Trading System Robot

Foreign currency exchange is one of the exciting ways to make money online but as like anything else it requires a little knowledge and of course the most successful forex trading system. The currency exchange market is the most volatile financial market in the world and because of this it can be very unpredictable.

One of the ways to trade on the currency market is by the use of technical data; The technical data, without going into too much depth is what the price of a currency pair has done in the recent past. From this technical data it can be assumed what it might do next.

This is where the successful trading systems come into play, these robots can plot a course of action to be taken by the currency trader by quickly analysing this technical data. These robots can tell you at what price to enter a trade, what price to exit a trade and where to put your stop loss.

Such robots are a great way for newbie traders to get stuck into the market straight away. There is no need to worry about all the variables that can have many traders making an error of judgment. Just set up your trades as explained by the robot and then carry on your daily business.

One of the main reasons for failure in currency exchange is the stress of seeing a trade go against you for a period of time before it heads in the right direction. This can make traders get out prematurely even though the tell tale signs are that it will eventually go in the right direction.

A currency exchange robot will not be able to relieve this human error as it makes its decisions on the data and has no emotions such as the fear of losing money. The most successful trading systems are correct 80 percent of the time so you will still need to adopt a new form of money management. I personally made more than 8 times on my money using a Forex automated trading robot.

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Trade Show Metrics: A Critical Component To A Successful Consulting Partnership

When it comes to consistently and successfully leveraging every presented opportunity at marketing conventions and events, a lot goes into the preparation process. Entrepreneurial business leaders recognize the importance of careful planning before, during and after each event. From selecting the right venue to exhibit at, to strategically training and honing the presentation skills of each team member, every detail requires ample consideration and execution in order to best ensure that maximum results are yielded.

Teaming With A Trade Show Staff Training Firm Boosts Overall Return On Investment
One of the best ways to guarantee a positive return on investment at every marketing convention is to align your organization with a reputable trade show staff training firm. A seasoned industry veteran will always offer a wide range of resources to deliver a distinctive fit perfectly suited for your specific needs and requirements. Whether you opt for in-person trade show staff training for every sales member, or utilize customized tradeshow software solutions that each employee can view at his own pace, a professional staff training firm will quickly provide the results you're seeking.

It's important to note that not every training firm is created alike. Many otherwise solid providers drop the ball in one critical area: trade show metrics and analysis. You don't feel that metrics is a critical factor in the overall success of your organization's exhibit efforts? Guess again. No matter what industry your business falls under, teaming with a trade show staff training firm that doesn't offer trade show metrics can literally mean missed opportunities and sales dollars left on the table.

Benefits Of Incorporating Trade Show Metrics In Your Business Exhibit Plan
Ever wonder if your business is picking the right functions to display at? Teaming with a firm that delivers metrics and event analysis will instantly eliminate the guesswork from your exhibit selection process. By carefully working through items like prior functions attended as well as overall success at each event, your chosen provider will be able to determine where your time is most effectively spent. Best of all, your vendor may even have suggestions on new conventions to attend to further your brand recognition and tap into an entirely fresh client demographic.

Additionally, a comprehensive trade show metrics vendor will also be able to determine how your staff is performing at each event. As a third party observer, they can easily gather information on your staff's presentation skills and interaction techniques through the use of surveys and other tools. They will not only gather the information for you, but they will also perform a thorough analysis on it to gauge what is and isn't working for you and your team at every function.

Finally (and potentially most importantly), a provider that also specializes in metrics analysis will not only measure your overall performance, but can also help your team check out the competition. It's no secret that exhibitors always take a look at what their opponents are offering, but finding time between manning the displays can always prove challenging. Outsourcing this task to your metrics vendor not only frees up your staff's time to focus on booth guests, but also will help you receive an honest, unbiased opinion on how your displays stack up against the competition. What's not to love about that?
Marketech 360, helps businesses boost convention efforts with innovative trade show staff training techniques. From customized trade show software to post-event trade show metrics Marketech 360 can take your performance to the next level. Contact them today to hear more!
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Important Outsourcing Opportunities To Maximize Success With Your Business Trade Show Stands

Setting up trade show displays and working the convention circuit can deliver a plethora of benefits for participating businesses almost instantly. Setting up trade show stands at any number of these promotional functions allows companies to keep their fingers firmly on the pulse of what is going on in the industry (aka fearlessly checking out the comp!) while enjoying ample opportunity to meet and mingle with the attending masses in hopes of networking and closing deals. In short, few other traditional marketing techniques can help broaden brand breadth quite like trade show stands and exhibits.

Successful Trade Show Displays Require Strategy And Execution

While the positives of these displays are certainly plentiful, any outstanding advertorial prospect also comes with a hefty responsibility. Organizations that want to consistently and successfully reap the many benefits that marketing conventions offer must create a comprehensive pre-function strategy as well as foolproof event day execution in order to ensure that each and every presented business possibility is fully leveraged. In one convention year, businesses in any vertical can dedicate countless resources and man hours solely to managing all the many details necessary for a positive return on investment from trade show displays.

Fortunately, companies that want to tap into the marketing potential of displays do have options when it comes to determining which functions to keep in-house and which roles would make more sense to outsource. There is a litany of reputable and professional organizations that specialize in very specific components of the marketing convention process. Understanding some of the biggest outsourcing opportunities to explore can help your company make the most efficient decision to optimize efforts.

Partnering Potential With Trade Show Displays

If you're considering partnering with professional vendors to help manage some of your event logistics, always keep the following in mind:

Team Training: When first entering the convention foray, getting staff members up to snuff plays a critical role in any organization's overall success. Yes, your sales team members should have their own personal closing styles, but are they ready to endure successful pitching for 8 hour stretches? Working with a professional training firm can get your team prepped and ready to convert conversations to currency quickly!

Setup/Breakdown Of Trade Show Displays: It's no secret that traveling for out of town events can prove hectic and stressful for every attending team member. The last thing that your employees will want to worry about is having to navigate through setting up and breaking down all the company displays. Now, they don't have to. Many nationwide distributors of trade show booths actually offer services for clients that would like to outsource these responsibilities. These partners will arrive pre-function to ensure everything is working properly and will even break down the entire stand and have it shipped home. All your crew has to do is show up ready to work the room!

Post Event Analysis: Sadly, the work doesn't end once the function concludes. Post-convention analysis is imperative to guarantee that you stay focused on the events that consistently yield the best outcomes. Fortunately, there are companies poised and ready to perform the analysis for you. Team with an organization that specializes in qualitative analytics to help keep your team on track to maximize results.
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5 Keys To Successful Options Trading

The last decade saw explosive growth in the options trading market all over the world.

Options are now available on almost every imaginable asset, from physical to financial assets. In fact, there are now more and more classes of options available for trading on a single underlying asset alone.

The last decade also saw the explosive popularization of options trading education both online and offline. Well known financial gurus such as Robert Kiyosaki as well as Masters 'O' Equity has been teaching about the benefits of trading options around the world, creating awareness in what was predominantly a stock trading world.

In today's complex and heavily traded options market, casualties are made every single day. Beginners are losing money much quicker than they used to in stock trading and the elusive perfect options strategy always seem so close yet so far away. So, the real question options traders today are asking is, what exactly does it take to be successful in options trading?

Here are five keys to options trading success that I have concluded after more than a decade of trading options.

1. Understand Your Trading Needs

One of the best things about options trading is that there isn't only one way of trading. If you can control your emotions and have time to trade during the day, you could choose to day trade or momentum trade options. If you are like most of us who would like to put on a trade and the sell it a few days or weeks later for a better price, you might choose to swing trade options. If you are mathematically inclined and would like to put on a position for fixed predictable earnings, you might want to study more about position trading.

Day trading, momentum trading, swing trading and position trading are the four main ways to trade options. Deciding which methodology to pursue is primarily a function of the amount of time you can commit and your inclinations.

2. Understand Your Chosen Strategy

There are also many ways to profit from day trading, swing trading or position trading options. These strategies range from simple to complex. No matter what strategy you choose to pursue, you need to fully understand the strategy; its pros and cons as well as risk profile. This includes its maximum profit and loss as well as the conditions under which they occur. Understanding an options strategy goes beyond merely mastering the calculations but also understanding how you might react to all the possible outcomes of the strategy. Always paper trade for an extended period so that you experience all its pros and cons before applying real money.

3. Choose The Right Stock

Every options strategy profit only when the underlying stock performs in a certain way and loses money when the stock doesn't. As such, no matter which strategy you decide to pursue, you need to be able to pick stocks that perform in that very way. As such, good fundamental and technical analysis skill is critical to options trading success. Technical analysis is of particular importance in options trading since accurate entry and exit points are extremely important for options, being a time sensitive financial instrument.

4. Risk Management

No matter what options strategy you decide to pursue, there is a chance of losing money. Some options strategies have limited risk while some have unlimited risk. Limited risk means that it can only lose a fixed amount of money no matter how bad things turn out. Unlimited risk means that you can lose enough to break your account. Regardless if an options strategy is limited or unlimited risk, knowing how to manage your trade and portfolio risk is critical to your long term options trading success. All successful options traders decide how much risk to take for each trade in the framework of their overall portfolio risk management policy. This will govern the number of contracts to trade (position sizing) and where to set their stop loss.
For instance, if you have a ten thousand dollars account, wishes to pursue a simple long call options strategy and decide not to lose more than ten percent per trade, you would commit no more than one thousand per trade.

5. Profit Taking Strategy

Knowing how to apply the correct options strategies to the correct stocks with proper risk management technique in place is like knowing how to fly a plane. Even though learning to take off and navigate in the air is important, it is the ability to land the plane safely in the correct destination that makes an expert pilot. Knowing when and how to take profit properly is like landing a plane. Too many beginners make the mistake of holding a position all the way from profit into a deep loss. To make matters worse, the limited lifespan of options contracts does not allow unlimited time for such losses to come back up.
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Successful Day Trading Strategy

A successful day trading strategy is composed of various steps towards gripping the market by the horns. Everyone knows that Wall Street is an active rodeo between investors, companies, and the world of business. If you make the right decision in day trading strategy, you can earn thousands of dollars in a matter of hours or days. Inexperienced day traders are entering a line of confidence by evaluating different types of day trading strategies that match their personality, goals, and investment abilities. With so much available in day trading, finding a success day trading strategy is the first step in establishing a presence in the market.

Determine Price Targets

How much money are you willing to invest in the day trading? Do you have less than $20,000? Are you in between $10,000 to $20,000? You can find your best price target by evaluating your investment capabilities. IF you do not have enough money to throw into one stock, do not do it. It's important to do complete research then determine price targets in your budget.

Daily pivots, fading, momentum, and scalping creates a new target for each investor. Each strategy aligns with your goals that may include immediately selling stock once buying them, hold then sale, and work your way around the market in a comfortable manner. Many investors are unsure of what to do in their first trade so trading can seem like a walk through the jungle. Sit back, relax, and try to understand what's in front of you. Let's start by looking into the company's leadership then answering a few questions regarding their future goals.

Review Company Leadership

Company leadership teams are the basis of any successful business. The stock market is ran by the feel of rumors, leadership, and abilities of CEOs to outshine the competition. When you search for a stock that represents strength, you will find there's a trend in their decision making. Investors buy companies that have extensive experience in generating sales for shareholders.

Your stock trading motives should target firms with a track record of success. Sometimes you may find yourself 'tricked' into buying stock that won't benefit your schedule - it's normal and it happens to all investors. Your first impression of a stock's performance may change the way you look at day trading because its price can change overnight.

Mark Promising Stocks

Tracking trends requires a lot of time in research for financial summaries, dividend payouts, and eventual profit. In the midst of managing this kind of portfolio, you have to think about what you're trying to do with your investments. Do you trade to make a fortune? Do you trade to build wealth? Are you establishing a successful day trading strategy to dominate the stock market?

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Day Trading Forum - A Valuable Tool to Your Success

Day trading can be a very tricky industry to make money in, especially if you do not have the proper training and tools in place to make you successful. One of the best tools you can use to be successful is a forum. Day trading forums are a great place where you can meet other traders and collaborate on the best trades of the day.

Most individuals on forums can help you out tremendously. If you are new we highly recommend you join a trading forum right away! To be successful in this industry, it is going to take a lot of patience, practice, and discipline. The other traders on the forum can provide you with the help you need to get started today. The best thing about forums is that they are 100% completely free. You can sign up for an account for free and have people start helping you right away. Almost everyone in this industry is very willing to help anyone out. Most day traders are very friendly and will share insider trading secrets with you if you are willing to share them back. You need to make friends and talk to them daily about day trading.

Many people that fail in the industry lack many characteristics to be successful. One of the biggest traits many people lack is experience. There is no other way to be successful in this industry, then to practice. Day trading has many great benefits because you are able to create play money accounts and practice completely for free. Once you get the hang of consistently profiting using practice accounts, you should then do it for real money. This is one of the best ways to make lots of money working right in the comfort of your own home! I wish you the best of luck and remember to never give up! Day trading is one of the most profitable businesses you can ever get into!
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Trade Show Networking Spells Business Success

Did you know that attending a trade show or exhibiting at a convention could increase your business by up to 80 per cent? In a recent survey of almost 2000 businesses in Sydney, a marketing company found that the majority of businesses experienced dramatic increases in their business opportunities following a trade show or similar event. A few companies said the business growth had been exponential within the three months after the event with businesses showing up to an 80 per cent increase in sales or profits from one show.

Exhibiting your company is an excellent marketing opportunity and allows your business to meet many potential leads and even make many sales. People attending trade show and exhibitions are actively looking to purchase products and services from the industry, which means that you are marketing to people who already are in your target or niche.

However, business growth from exhibiting does not only come from people purchasing your products or services on the day. Following up on the sales leads generated from the event is essential. Most of the businesses saw an increase in sales for more than three months after the trade show, so the show itself can be tip of the iceberg in developing strong business relationships with potential customers.

More importantly, the survey discovered that the business leaders who saw the most business growth after a trade show event were the ones who actively networked with other attendees.

Networking throughout the exhibition or convention can be as important as handing out brochures or providing product information at your exhibition stand. By building relationships with other attendees, you open the door to possible joint ventures, cross referrals, and other markets where mutual assistance and benefits makes it possible for your business to grow.

By visiting all the exhibition stands within the trade show, you can meet and build relationships with suppliers and industry experts who can help your business to grow, as well as simply meeting potential customers.

One of the major benefits of continuing to network throughout the trade show or convention is that you draw more people to your exhibition stand. People who receive your business card in the course of the event are more likely to visit your stand and to take notice. The consistent branding and marketing of your logo continues with the design of your exhibition stand and this means people who attend the conference are far more likely to remember your company and products.
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8 Most Important Steps to Successful Forex Trading

After months of practice and learning, every struggling novice trader begins to wonder whether the decision to enter forex trading was actually a big mistake. Why do other traders make money and I don't? Do these successful individuals possess any special qualities? Can I improve myself in order to finally start making money?

In order to become profitable in forex, you need to not only learn and practice, but work hard in improving yourself. Below are the major characteristics needed in order to become successful.

If you already possess the essential traits - good for you! Just keep practicing and soon you will see the cash flow. If you don't have the necessary traits yet - don't give up. Start working on yourself. It is possible to craft yourself into a trader!

So, here goes:

1. Don't Copy

Copying others is absolutely useless in forex. Every trader is unique and his/her strategies fit their personality and goals. You cannot rely on anyone else but yourself.

2. Be Disciplined

Stick to the plan, even when your self-esteem is over the top. Use your experience and knowledge of the market to make the right decisions, instead of irrational i-can-make-a-million-right-now conclusions, without skipping any important steps in your trading plan.

3. Accept Losses with Grace

Losses are not necessary a bad thing - write down the unfortunate experience in your trading journal, analyze why this happened and voila! You have received one of the valuable lessons by learning from your own mistakes. Practice makes perfect - so don't freak out over the losses. Instead, learn from it and move on.

The main difference between a successful trader and a novice beginner is in accepting the loss. The sooner you learn to lose, the faster you earn money!

4. Be Patient and Reasonable

Know exactly why and when to enter a trade. And here is a great tip - say all those reasons out loud. It is a great way to give a last glance before you make a final click.

Don't expect the profitable opportunities to pop up all day long. Sometimes, it is wise to give it a break and start again the next day with a clear head. Don't worry about missing out either, because forex market is always on the move. Not catching the big wave doesn't mean you will be left out without any profits for ages!

5. Control Your Money
Forex is not just about making more and more money, but also keeping what you have already made! You need to have very strict money management rules in order to keep your losses at minimum:

· Never trade what you cannot lose

· Determine your target gains and losses before opening a position

· Use stop/loss orders to minimize the risks

6. Keep It Simple

You don't need to use all available forex indicators and create a one of a kind Michelangelo-like-masterpiece trading strategy. Keep trading ideas to the minimum - know when to get in and out of the trades and stay away from sentences such as "Let's stay a bit longer and see what happens"!

· Try trading daily during the same hours in order to get full grasp of currency behavior, liquidity and volatility changes.

· Don't trade on Sundays, holidays and opening/closing of the specific market.

· Stay informed - read the news, follow the economic calendar, keep your eyes on unemployment rates, decisions on interest rates, gross domestic products, industrial production price, index consumptions, retail sales etc.

· Follow the trend - don't try to find something that there isn't, just follow the rend and identify the point of inversion.

7. Develop Strategies

Use free demo accounts to develop your own strategy and a good trading plan. List out several possibilities (plan a, plan b, plan c) - and always have a clear instructions from getting out of troubles. The key to success in forex is to know how to behave in different situations, instead of trying hard to predict what market will bring us today.

8. Control Yourself!

Here is the tough part - the psychological issues related to trading. It is important to stay as cold-blooded as possible by controlling your emotions.

Most importantly, don't blame the market - blame only yourself! Are your losses still greater than profits? Stop trading right now and start analyzing your strategy. There is a flow somewhere and it is up to you to fix it.
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